RRS Referendum on the Dissolusion of the Interior

Shall the Refugia Revised Statutes be amended to incorporate the proposed changes: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1637227 - Finished


"For" got the most votes.


For: 13

Against: 2

Abstain: 2

Participating Voters:

  • Araine
  • Chacapoya
  • Junitaki-cho
  • Melenavenia
  • Refuge Isle
  • Sylh Alanor
  • The Star Enpire
  • Tiralta
  • Tovenia
  • Vikoland
  • dacay
  • haibaria
  • honeydewitopia
  • imperve
  • lethodus
  • michelland
  • valdonland