RRS Referendum: In Order to Prevent a More Perfect Union

Shall the Refugia Revised Statutes be modifies to incorporate the proposed changes: https://forum.calref.ca/index.php?topic=239 - Finished


"For" got the most votes.


For: 21

Against: 5

Abstain: 1

Participating Voters:

  • Almander
  • Araine
  • Junitaki-cho
  • Liphia
  • Nahelia
  • Nangka
  • Narwhal
  • Refuge Isle
  • Sylh Alanor
  • The Merinos
  • The Star Enpire
  • Tiralta
  • alakatus
  • basiltown
  • brenyopolis
  • caidia
  • durgonia
  • estebere
  • falafelandia
  • istastioner
  • jazur
  • lovoreus_magnus
  • lower_fife
  • lycanjeskai
  • new_ras
  • ouch_to_the_natives
  • portmanteau