Special Election: Councillor of World Assembly Affairs

Who shall be elected Councillor of World Assembly Affairs, whose responsibilities are defined as facilitating discussions on World Assembly resolutions-at-vote, developing dispatches with Information For Voters (IFV) on current resolutions at vote, and providing regional recommendations for votes to the World Assembly Delegate? This Councillor shall be installed at the conclusion of this poll on Sunday January 3rd, until the position would normally be concluded on Sunday March 7th. - Finished


Junitaki-cho is the winning option


  • Indimu → Junitaki-cho
  • Indimu → Junitaki-cho
  • Indimu → Junitaki-cho
  • Indimu → Junitaki-cho
  • Indimu → Junitaki-cho
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu
  • Junitaki-cho → Indimu

Participating Voters:

  • Chacapoya
  • Junitaki-cho
  • Melenavenia
  • Narwhal
  • Refuge Isle
  • Sylh Alanor
  • Tovenia
  • bellerre
  • cadenzana
  • chatula
  • inversa
  • laisou
  • lower_french_gregballs
  • michelland
  • ongmonnif
  • uwusberg